
baby photographer - franklin, tn - emma claire and parker reid

larry and ashley are proud new parents of twins parker and emma. i have known ashley since kindergarten and how fun it was to be able to see the life she has as a new mom. ashley was around when my love of photography began to burgeon. she's in many photos from junior high when all i had was a disposable and was my editor for high school yearbook. i was so proud to be able to see her with larry, parker and emma. such a beautiful family. and they are WONDERFUL parents. these two should never doubt that they're loved. here they are at eleven weeks old...

LOVE this one!

wide-eyed cutie

sleepy, sleepy emma

the new (and proud!) family

ashley and larry didn't find out they were expecting twins until five months into the pregnancy! even though it was surprising news, i don't think they could be happier.


Larry & Ashley said...

We love the sneak peek! We can hardly wait to see the rest.

Anonymous said...

those are awesome! the ellis twins couldn't be any cuter!

Melanie Watson said...

aww sweet babies... you really are the best at baby photos. I swear you are like the baby whisperer or something... they just magically turn into super model infants for you. I'm jealous.