
the crafton's

meet kate crafton and her family. i met them in murfreesboro at a local park this week. i know kate because she is a photographer as well... and a great one at that! such a good eye! she is one of those people you love being around because of her energetic personality and i was so excited to finally meet her family. such great kiddos and an adorable english spaniel named darby. we ended the session by letting benny and darby play together. it was quite entertaining! it was a bit too dark for me to get any blog-worthy photos of them, but enjoy these of her family!


Kate said...

awwwww, I love them! Thank you soooooooo much!!!

Anonymous said...

Kate is a wonderful photographer! She was my photographer at my wedding. She was so wonderful! Her husband is wonderful too!

adrianhitt said...

kate is very wonderful!! :)